D-litter turned 2 years 3 days ago and already we got our 1st Champion!

Happy 2nd Birthday to Mountain's Pearl Disney Litter! <3 

(Wicca x Falcor) <3 xoxo, Furi, Theo & breeder! <3 


Kiitos kaikille omistajille hyvästä huolenpidosta ja parhaista kodeista <3 Thank you to all the owners for taking such wonderful care of our babies!


MP Darling Ramona Got Her Sparkle "Ramona"

MP Duties of The King "Pumba" 

MP Dancin' a Catchy Rhythm "Furi"

MP Dig A little Deeper "Rommi"

MP Dared Faith Trust n Pixie Dust "Pixie"

MP Dare to Risk It All "Mörö"

MP Daddy's Little Angel "Hekla"

MP Don't Mess With Me "Ruu"

MP Dream Weaver "Turk" USA

MP Do You Believe In Magic "Lilith" USA

MP Dash of Footloose n Fancy Free "Lumi" Sweden

MP Don't Bring me Down "Teo/Tiiu"

Today Furi won her 4th and Final CAC to become Finnish Champion, only 3 days after her 2nd birthday! Theo won his 2nd CAC placing BOB out of 9 entries and making me so very proud, showing so well with my beautiful niece Emilie!

Contact us:

www.facebook.com/mountainspearlkennel   mountainspearl.kennel@gmail.com   www.mountainspearl.com  +358451277610