Today we had a wonderful day in Järvenpää All Breeds in many ways. Spent the day in excellent company under the sun.
Thanks everyone! Jaana from kennel Amox, it was great to chat again! Jenna, thanks again for the tent/shade and all the help! Taina and her daughter were at the TT ring again, and Tanja and her daughter came with Chino's brother and won BOB! Way to go Reino! Chino placed well in second :)
We had a girls day today with my husbands sisters daughter Milla!
Quality time!

Pepita placed BOS Veteran with also a 4th place in Best Bitch ring! So happy! Great critique from judge Saija Juutilainen, from Finland.
Tarmo places 1st in Junior ring with Exc, and a very promising and honest critique of our little boy! My rings lapsed again, but huge thanks to Sanne Välinen who showed Tarmo in the rings!
Can't wait for our summer shows this year! with all my tibbies!
While the BOB placers were running in group ring, the kids made the best of it and took Tarmo & Pepita to the field and did some dogshowing of their own!
Great day indeed!

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