2 princesses born on 2.9.2024

Spring has been full of great show moments in my co-owned dogs department! 


08.09.2024 Co-owned babies at the Estonian Pyrenean Specialty show today ❤️

Judged by Maria Amelia Taborda ❤️

Traumalauman Ähäkutti, EXC, cq, Bm2 with CAC and Estonian champion title ❤️ onnea Tytti Grönqvist !!!!!

Also awarded BEST MOVER ❤️

Traumalauman Kajastus, EXC, cq, BB2 with CAC  ❤️ onnea Hissu Toivonen !!!!!

Also awarded BEST EXPRESSION ❤️

Thanks Hissu Toivonen for updates and Riikka Torikka for handling 🤗🤗

Oulu 7.7.2024 NORD , judged by DROBNJAK DARKO


Mountain's Pearl Inspire Me "Max" BOS, CAC, NORD-CAC

congratulations to co-owner Lea Purstokangas 

12.05.2024 Jyväskylä Int gave me such a surprise ❤️😍😍

Judge Robbins Janelle


BOB Junior Mountain's Pearl Kindred Spirit (Lagerblom Jere & Lagerblom Milla)


BOB Breeder Mountain's Pearl:

"Consistent type in group with good presentation overall. Excellent temperaments. As a group moves well together. You can see the family line."


All MP kennel dogs results❤️


Open2 EXC

Mountain's Pearl Inspire Me:

"3 years old. Good shape. Correct skull. Gentle eye. Correct scissor bite. Good angulations. Correct dual claws. Good tailset. Movement very close behind, better in front. Excellent overall presentation, very kind attitude."



Mountain's Pearl Hear Me Roar:

"3,5 years. Imposing size with good neck and topline. Correct angulations. Excellent bite, correct muzzle. Good skull with correct ear placement. Excellent chest and bone. Correct dual claws. Good movement behind, excellent in front. Presented well with good attitude. "❤



Mountain's Pearl Kindred Spirit:

"9 month old. Good size. Excellent side profile. Correct angulation. Good skull. Dark eye. Excellent bite. Correct ear. Good feet. Correct dual claws. Very good tailset. Excellent movement behind. Good movement in front, still has room to develop and mature. After she develops her shape will look better, at the moment still bit soft."


Open1, EXC

Mountain's Pearl Heiluvillen Seita:

" 3 year old. Good size and has a correct shape. Correct head size. Correct eye shape. Would prefer little darker eye. Correct muzzle and scissor bite. Excellent pigmentation. Correct dual claws. Moving little close behind, good in front. She could do with little bit more attitude and confidence."


Huikea kiitos kaikille kun yllätitte kasvattaja luokalla ja upeiden esitysten lisäksi Rop kasvattajalla ❤️💪❤️😍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 suuri kiitos Kirsi Rusanen ja Mari Vammelvirta kun toitte ja esititte Seita onnea Seitan hienolle tyttärelle vsp❤️ Maria Mummi Mikkonen kun veit Pomon upeasti PU2❤️ ja Jere ja Milla Lagerblom kun veitte Kidan Rop junnuksi, pn2! Ja ensimmäinen oikea kehä junnuna ❤️❤️❤️❤️💪❤️ unohtamatta yhteistä vihdoin kehittynyttä Maxia, kiitos Lea Purstokangas kun toit kehiin ihan erin arvoisesti ❤️😍❤️


Niin otettu ällimmystynyt ja kiitollinen ❤️

01.05.2024 Lahti puppy show

Judge Matti Luoso

8 month old debut for Mountain's Pearl Kindred Spirit "Kida" best of breed puppy ❤️

Mountain's Pearl Knight's Tale got 1st of males without HP ❤️☺️❤️ our nearly 80cm tall 8 month old needs To catch up to his hind angulations and develop more ❤️

Both got praises for type and temper ❤️☺️❤️

Isot kiitokset molemmille perheille kun toitte muksut esille ☺️❤️

Lahti 23.3.2024 international


Traumalauman Kajastus open1, CQ, EXC, BB2, CAC, CACIB

Traumalauman Ähäkutti open1, Exc


Mountain's Pearl Knight's Tale Puppy1

Mountain's Pearl Kallisto Ursa Major puppy1, HP, BOB puppy

Contact us:

www.facebook.com/mountainspearlkennel   mountainspearl.kennel@gmail.com   www.mountainspearl.com  +358451277610