Got some terrible news today... (FI alempana)
GB //
Today MP Easy Living was diagnosed with a malignant osteosarcoma. He developed a bump on his hind hock and a slight limp this fall that was originally treated as swelling and panosteitis. After a few weeks of antibiotics and pain killers the limp stayed so he was x-rayed and given a month dose of painkillers to see if that helps. A few weeks ago he was x-rayed again and the possibility of osteosarcoma or osteomyelitis (thru rusty nails etc penatrating the bone, as the ankle has barely any protection it seemed like a plausable cause).
A week ago a biopsy was taken to determine the issue and preliminary findings came today. The vet called to say it is malignant osteosarcoma. The heredity in sarcomas in general in Pyreneans in Europe seems to be very rare, or then unspoken of but Kingi is the youngest i have ever heard of. I just had to post this as i do not believe in secrets benefiting the breed. (i heard an hour ago when i started writing this in my tears...)
My heart bleeds for the family as they have been thru an incredilby tough year, fighting for their daughters life all spring - life is just incredibly unfair. I will get copies of the results once they arrive and will inform more if any findings arise.
He was one of the happiest and liveliest boys and i had the pleasure of watching him grow at our house all spring - could not asked for a better family - just heartbroken he wasn't a healthier dog.
FI //
Tänään MP Easy Living, Kingille diagnosoitiin pahanlaatuinen osteosarkooma. Sillä alkoi loppu kesästä kevyenä jalan ylhäällä pitämisenä ongelmat, jotka hoidettiin ELL kanssa ensin AB ja kipulääkekuurein. Keventämisen jatkuttua kintereeseen alkoi muodostua turvotusta joka myöhemin kuvattiin ja oli luustomuutos, silloin Kingille annettiin kuukauden annos kipulääkkeitä nähdäkseen, auttaako se. Muutama viikko sitten rakkaimmalle joulu Kinkulle tehtiin uudelleen röntgenkuvaus ja luustomuutokset viittasivat että oli mahdollisuus osteosarkoomaan tai osteomyeliittiin ( luumätään, Koska nilkkalla on tuskin mitään lihaa suojana, se vaikutti mahdolliseltakin syyltä varsinkin takaraajan ja sijainnin huomioiden).
Viikko sitten otettiin koepala Patovettiin ongelman selvittämiseksi, ja alustavat havainnot tulivat tänään. Eläinlääkäri soitti kertoakseen, että se on pahanlaatuinen osteosarkooma. Euroopassa yleisesti ottaen sarkooman perinnöllisyys pyrreillä tuntuu olevan hyvin harvinainen tai sitten olematon, mutta Kingi on nuorin, mitä olen koskaan kuullut sairastuvan.
Sydämeni vuotaa koko Kingin perheelle, koska he ovat olleet uskomattoman kovan paineen alla koko vuoden, ensin taistellessaan tyttärensä hengen puolesta koko kevään - ja nyt Kingin tulevaisuus on menetetty. Elämä on aivan uskomattoman epäreilua. Ja suruni on niin monta vihansanaa täynnä etten voi edes kuvailla kuinka avuton olo itselläni on. Onneksi saan kopioita tuloksista heti kun ne Mintulle saapuu, ja ilmoitan enemmän, jos lisä havaintoja ilmenee.....Suuri kiitos Akille ja Mintulle molemille Kingin parhaasta mahdollisesta kodista ja perheestä <3 suuret tassunjäljet herra jättää jälkeensä....
Happy news for few MP dogs who were tested for Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
Mountain's Pearl Don't Bring Me Down "Theo"
Mountain's Pearl Dancin' A Catchy Rhythm "Furi"
Mountain's Pearl Four Letter Word "Chia"
Mountain's Pearl Editor's Choice "Edi"
Mountain's Pearl Every Little Kiss "Rue"
Echo de'Chien In It To Win It moved to Finland end of April!
We are very pleased and count ourselves very lucky to have him join our team. He lives on breeding terms only about 45minutes away from my house with Tino Ijäs & Suvi Rajala.
He is out of our co-owned female Jaal du Hogan des Vents and a very nice French import male Jalan du Neouvielle. We Thank Marion for sharing this gem with us! He will be shown and presented in the future- so this will not be the last you hear of him!
What a year 2018 has been, cannot wait for 2019 to truly begin!
As the year has ended and our show year finished a while ago i was feeling like i needed to remind myself of how well our team has done! Many new titles and Champions, to top it off - Mountain's Pearl has its very first International Champion.
We have some big plans for this year, biggest of them for me on a personal level probably is finally driving to the French NE in Argeles-Gazost next fall with my best friend.
We are hoping to have puppies in February 2019, which is a very exciting combination for us out of my own breeding female & the sire of our very 1st litter in 2014.